I have one question But first Are my eyes not bright enough for you? Are the thick curls on my head too much for you? Is my presence threatening you? Is my existence hazardous to you? My skin, too dark for you?
I say nothing and you react to me I simply am - and this is a threat My purpose banished My thought prohibited My speech silenced And when I cry Barely a whisper to your ears
My pockets may be empty But you will never see My family may be near But you will never think
How dare you point the tip of your finger at me How dare you scream and yell How dare you try and remove my power My strength that you are so frightened by
That you have to pull out a weapon That you have to aim and fire That you have no choice but to not hear, not listen, not think, never see That I am no threat to you
So I have one question for you Am I truly and undoubtedly the threat? Or are you?
Artist Statement: With all of the police brutality happening in America, I wanted to share my thoughts and ideas that many other people of color may share.