Two Truths and a Lie: 1. My grandfather died yesterday 2. When I was in the third grade I had the stomach virus and I couldn’t eat anything- so a nurse gave me a fourth of July popsicle and I threw up red, white and blue 3. I hate icebreakers.
My courtship candor isn’t bulletproof glass And the truth is funny in a way She’s bad at keeping secrets She’s good at getting fooled And she always comes in threes
Yes, my grandpa passed away; a bitter performance of freedom And yes, I did in fact puke patriotism at the supple age of eight And I do, really, hate icebreakers
Hair color and shirt collars blend faces into the condensed air And has anyone found the balance between interesting and obnoxious yet?
And I’m the type of person to watch a movie and make a mental note to “say that the next time somebody asks you what your favorite movie is” I’m also the person to forget and say some dumb shit like ‘Shrek’ But you know what? I will definitely say Pulp Fiction next time
And let’s be honest, I don’t care what your name is, and you don't care about mine Mutually Assured Destruction at our next D-hall concurrence
The truth is funny that way She can bend over backwards and touch her heels so you don’t have to And in a room full of strangers you can let a piece slide
So let's start over Two Truths and a Lie: 1. My name spells eucalyptus and procurement on grandfather’s tongue 2. My favorite movie is pulp fiction but only the parts with Harvey Kietel 3. I love icebreakers